Public Relations Center
About the company
For mass media
30 december 2020
YANOS was recognized as the winner of the regional stage of the competition "Russian organization of high social efficiency"
21 december 2020
YANOS Became a Diploma Winner of the Russian Government Prize in the Field of Quality
27 november 2020
The Center for Professional Qualifications (YANOS Center) was solemnly opened at the Yaroslavl Industrial and Economic College
27 november 2020
YANOS products again entered the list of "100 best goods of Russia"
13 november 2020
YANOS's environmental program won the All-Russian competition
13 november 2020
YANOS confirmed the status of "The Best Industrial Enterprise of the Yaroslavl region"
11 september 2020
"Slavneft-YANOS" took part in the work of the XVth Coordination Council for Industrial Cooperation
9 september 2020
“Slavneft-YANOS” was again recognized as the Best Enterprise in Yaroslavl
3 september 2020
Slavneft-YANOS commissioned into operation a process unit for the disposal of hydrogen sulphide by the wet catalysis method
1 september 2020
YANOS refiners were awarded with departmental and corporate awards
17 july 2020
PJSC "Slavneft-YANOS" was recognized as a laureate of the international competition of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative developments of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
15 july 2020
PJSC “Slavneft-YANOS” passed an inspection audit of the energy management system
29 june 2020
Slavneft-YANOS PJSC held its Annual General Shareholder Meeting
2 june 2020
YANOS improves operational efficiency.
30 april 2020
The Young Specialist of YANOS Won the All-Russian Competition "New idea"
14 april 2020
JANOS Improved the Quality of Roofing Bitumen
5 march 2020
The Government of the Yaroslavl Region and PJSC “Slavneft-YANOS” signed the Addendum to the Cooperation Agreement for 2020
Public Relations Center
For mass media
About the company
About the company
Management Systems
Industrial safety
Environment protection
Social responsibility