
High processing level, application of the latest Russian and foreign achievements in refining area and constant equipment revamp provide the competitive ability of Slavneft-YANOS PJSC products at Russian and foreign markets.
Slavneft-YANOS PJSC was many times the winner of international, Russian, regional and city competitions as the best industrial enterprise; it is the winner of RF Government bonus for finished products quality. Many types of YANOS products are in the list of "100 best products of Russia".
- Diesel fuel unified all-season DTUV-V according to GOST RV 9130-002-2011
- High-octane gasoline of ecological class K5 of the AI-100-K5 brand according to STO 44905015-005-2017
- Diesel fuel for the Arctic zone DTAZ-B, the highest grade according to GOST RV 9130-002-2011
- Lead-free gasoline of environment class K5 АИ-92-К5, АИ-95-К5, АИ-98-К5 as per GOST 32513-2013
- Diesel Fuel EURO, environment class К5: summer, grade С, DT-L-К5, interseasonal, gradesЕ (F), DT-Е-К5 as per GOST 32511-2013 (EN 590:2009)
- Diesel fuel winter dewaxed DT-З-К5 minus 32 as per GOST R 55475-2013
- Jet fuel of TC-1 grade, premium grade as per GOST 10227-86
- Motor general oil and oil for motor carburetor engines M-8B as per GOST 10541-2020
- Motor oils for motor diesel grades: М-10ДМ, М-10Г2к, М-8Г2к, М-10Г2, М-8Г2 as per GOST 8581-78
- Motor oils for diesel engines of the following grades: Gazpromneft HD 40, Gazpromneft HD 50, Gazpromneft HD 60 as per STO 84035624-084-2012
- Motor oils for diesel engines of the following grades: G-Profi HD 50, G-Profi HD 60 as per STO 84035624-208-2016
- Industrial oils of the following grades: И-12А, И-20А, И-40А, И-50А as per GOST 20799-88
- Turbine oil Tp-22C grade 1 as per TU38.101821-2013
- Compressor oil KC-19п А as per TU 38.401-58-243-99
- Base oils of the following grades: SN-80, SN-100, SN-150 SN-250; SN-350; SN-400; SN-500; SN-650; BS as per STO 00149765-003-2010; YANOS MVI-2, YANOS VHVI-4, YANOS VHVI-8 as per STO 00149765-007-2016
- Oil for hydrostatic drives МГЕ-46В as per TU 38.001347-00
- Oil hard paraffin, grades П-2, Т-1 as per GOST 23683-89
- Ceresin, grade 75 as per GOST 2488-79
- Softeners of YAPP, YAPP-M according to STO 00149765-002-2009
- Protection paraffin oil wax YaV-1 as per STO 00149765-004-2010
- Upgraded match oil paraffin NSu as per STO 00149765-012-2019
- Oil road updated bitumen “Biturox” BND-U 100/130 as per TU 0256-001-50945912-2002
- Oil road viscous bitumen BND 70/100 as per GOST 33133-2014
- Road bitumen, grades 50/70, 70/100, 100/150 as per EN 12591:2009
- Oil roof bitumen BNK-45/190 as per GOST 9548-74
- Oil construction bitumen BN 90/10 as per GOST 6617-76
- Oil roof bitumen BNK 115/15 as per STO 00149765-006-2013
- Upgraded oil roof bitumen, grade BNK-U 45/190 as per STO 00149765-011-2019
- Stabilized gas gasoline BT as per STO 11605031-019-2007
- Technicalsulfur. Gaseousliquid. Grade 9998 as per GOST 127.1-93
- Sulfuric acid technical contact 1st grade as per GOST 2184-2013
- Low viscous hydrocarbon base for slurries as per STO 00149765-008-2017
- Vacuum residue as per STO 00149765-009-2017
- Fuel oil 100, 2,50% - 3.5% low ash content, 25 OS as per GOST 10585-2013
- Oil asphalt as per STO 00149765-010-2018
- Motor general oil and oil for motor carburetor engines M-8B as per GOST 10541-2020
- Motor oils for motor diesel grades: М-10ДМ, М-10Г2к, М-8Г2к, М-10Г2, М-8Г2 as per GOST 8581-78
- Motor oils for diesel engines of the following grades: Gazpromneft HD 40, Gazpromneft HD 50, Gazpromneft HD 60 as per STO 84035624-084-2012
- Motor oils for diesel engines of the following grades: G-Profi HD 50, G-Profi HD 60 as per STO 84035624-208-2016
- Industrial oils of the following grades: И-12А, И-20А, И-40А, И-50А as per GOST 20799-88
- Turbine oil Tp-22C grade 1 as per TU38.101821-2013
- Compressor oil KC-19п А as per TU 38.401-58-243-99
- Base oils of the following grades: SN-80, SN-100, SN-150 SN-250; SN-350; SN-400; SN-500; SN-650; BS as per STO 00149765-003-2010; YANOS MVI-2, YANOS VHVI-4, YANOS VHVI-8 as per STO 00149765-007-2016
- Oil for hydrostatic drives МГЕ-46В as per TU 38.001347-00
- Oil benzene for synthesis. Premium grade as per GOST 9572-93
- Oil toluene. Premium grade as per GOST 14710-78
- Aromatic hydrocarbons fraction as per STO 00149765-005-2013
- Propane-propylene fraction, grade A as per TU0272-024-00151638-99
- Normal butane fraction, Grade A as per TU0272-026-00151638-99
- Hydrocarbon liquefied gases of the fuel grades: PT, PBT, PA, PBA as per GOSTR52087-2018
Besides, we would like to inform you that Slavneft-YANOS PJSC does not conclude the Contracts for the produced products supply. The sale of all the oil products produced by Slavneft-YANOS PJSC is performed by the Companies owning the resources - Gazprom neft PJSC and NK Rosneft PJSC by means of direct and exchange sales.