Social responsibility
Slavneft-YANOS PJSC conducts the policy aimed at ensuring the high level of refinery employees’ well-being and improving the social climate in the region. The Collective Employment Agreement which is at present in effect at YANOS was many times acknowledged as the best in Yaroslavl region.
At YANOS much attention is paid to health protection of employees. In the frames of voluntary medical insurance system each employee of the refinery has a right to be provided with high quality medical services and rehabilitative treatment. Sanatorium and preventative clinic, as well as health-improving facility “Beriozka” are functioning all year round for refinery personnel. Besides vouchers to various Russian sanatoriums are purchased by YANOS.
Young specialists coming to the refinery receive all possible support. In 2004 a youth organization was founded at YANOS and a program for youth activities is annually approved and implemented.
One of the vital aspects of social policy of YANOS is development of physical culture and popularization of healthy life-style among refinery employees. Annually winter and summer sport contests take place at YANOS, in which teams of all workshops and departments participate. Besides, cross-country skiing and football tournaments are also held. An up-to-date sport heath-improving complex “Atlant” is placed at refinery personnel and their families disposal for regular sport activities. YANOS sportsmen perform successfully in the city, regional, Russian and international competitions.
Slavneft-YANOS PJSC actively promotes social and economic development of Yaroslavl region. The effective Agreement on the cooperation with the region Government defines the general principles and priority directions of cooperation between the parties.
Refinery plays active role in the charity activities in Yaroslavl region. Special attention is paid to supporting scientific, cultural and educational establishments and medical facilities.