The first engineering YANOS-class was opened in Yaroslavl
The first engineering YANOS-class was opened in Yaroslavl
On September 1st the first engineering YANOS-class in the region started to work in Lyceum #86. The Governor of Yaroslavl region Dmitriy Mironov and General Director of JSC “Slavneft-YANOS” Nikolay Karpov met with the lyceum pupils on this holiday.
The opportunity to study in YANOS-class was given to 30 pupils of the tenth grade – they are the pupils of regular comprehensive schools of Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region who were selected by the competition committee in the course of individual selection.
“We congratulate you with the Day of Knowledge and with the fact that you were selected for studying in the engineering class of the Lyceum and have now the opportunity to get the profound technical education”, - said Dmitriy Mironov, - “Establishment of “YANOS-class” is the tremendous push for the development of the engineering professions and for the development of our Yaroslavl region”.
Decision on creating the specialized profiled class was accepted in February this year. Financing of this project in the amount of 5 mln rubles was performed by JSC “Slavneft-YANOS” under the Agreement on cooperation with the Government of Yaroslavl region. These monetary funds allowed to do the repair works of the school facilities as per the individual design project, contemporary equipment was purchased for the design laboratory (digital chemical laboratory, 3-D scanner, interactive display, milling machine, engraving machine, etc.). The best graduates of the engineering class who will continue the secondary level education and high professional education in the Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl Industrial and Economic College and choose the professions required for YANOS will have the opportunity to take part in the specialized training course aimed at preparing the specialists and will have the first priority in becoming the employees of JSC “Slavneft-YANOS”.
“Our objective is the development of the process specialized education, motivating the children to select the professions of the engineering fields which are mostly demanded in the industry today. We created the general educational system: school-college/high school – refinery and all the conditions for increasing the quality of preparing the specialists for JSC “Slavneft-YANOS”, - noted Nikolay Karpov, General Director of JSC “Slavneft-YANOS”.
Special attention in the engineering YANOS-class will be paid teaching mathematics, chemistry, physics and informatics. It is planned to perform the training in compliance with the following programs: “Technical drawing”, “Profound programming” and “3D-modelling”. The students will perform the design and schientific and research works with the use of the cutting-edge technologies and contemporary high-technology equipment and also present and demonstrate their projects and the engineering, technical and natural sciences academic competitions, conferences and forums of municipal, regional and Russian national levels and at the regional JuniorSkills championship.
Among the teachers of the engineering class there will be 17 best teachers of lyceum, nine of them will be the teachers of the highest qualification category and eight of them – of the first category. Head of the project laboratory and the teacher of process and technological drawing Anton Petrov is the beneficiary of the one-time bonus of the Yaroslavl region Governor as the teacher for the gifted children.