JSC “Slavneft-YANOS” – the best enterprise in Yaroslavl
JSC “Slavneft-YANOS” – the best enterprise in Yaroslavl
On May, 26th in the City Hall of Yaroslavl there was a solemn awarding of the city contests "Best Enterprise of the City" and "Working man - strength, hope and courage of Yaroslavl".
Among the contestants which were representing different branches of industry the jury chose eight winners worthy of title "Best Enterprise of the City". JSC "Slavneft-YANOS" has one in chemical and petrochemical branches.
Honorary diploma for achieving the best performance criterion of work and impact on socio-economical development of the city was presented to General Director of JSC "Slavneft-YANOS" Alexander Nikitin by first mayor's deputy Alexey Malyutin.
18 citizens of Yaroslavl, contestants of "Working man - strength, hope and courage of Yaroslavl", were also awarded besides industrial enterprises and organizations.
Solemn celebration of the best enterprises and workers of Yaroslavl is traditionally timed to the Day of the City, which will be held in regional center this weekend.