• 1961Year of foundation
  • 3519Staffnumber
  • 809.1 hectaresOccupied process facilities site

Novo-Yaroslavskiy refinery (Slavneft-YANOS PJSC) was commissioned in 1961. Since 1995 the enterprise has been the member of a vertically integrated oil company “Slavneft”.

At present Slavneft-YANOS PJSC is one of the largest enterprises of Russia for oil productsproduction.

The value of oil processing volume at Slavneft-YANOS PJSC makes about 15 million tons of crude oil annually. Refinery product slate includes motor gasolines and diesel fuel of Euro-5 standard, jet fuel, a wide range of oils, bitumen, paraffin and wax products, aromatic hydrocarbons, LPG and fuel oil.

Oil processing volume years 1995 - 2019
15 000 000 т 15 млн.т
11 500 000 т 11.5 млн.т
8 000 000 т 8 млн.т
  • 8 370 000 т 1995
  • 10 550 000 т 2000
  • 12 600 000 т 2005
  • 14 300 000 т 2010
  • 15 300 000 т 2015
  • 15 100 000 т 2019
Compliance of motor fuels to Euro-5 standard
3thplacefor the volume of processed oil in Russia (as per the results of operation in the year 2021).

Beginning from July 1st, 2012 YANOS started the production of all motor fuels (motor gasolines and diesel fuel) as per Euro-5 standard.

Slavneft-YANOS PJSC was more than once a prize-winner of the international, Russian, regional and municipal contests for the title of the best enterprise. Many refinery products were included in the list “One hundred best commodities of Russia”. 

In 2009, Slavneft-YANOS PJSC was awarded a prestige prize of Russian Government for quality, which is a recognition of YANOS achievements in improvement of the technologies applied and activities for improvement of products quality. 

Many Refinery oil products became the winners and awardees of "100 best products of Russia" competition.